This superb Great Grey Shrike was ringed early on the morning of 10th April and last seen late in the day on the Saltmarsh towards the golf course. Previous ringing records were in 1966, 1967, [Hugh Insley] 1972, [Jack Reynolds] 1974 and 1975 [Peter Clark] The only previous spring ringing record was in 1967 - and coincidentally for the same date of 10 April.
Pied Wagtail ringed March 2010. Only 47 previous ringing records and last ringed 29/10/2009
A distant record shot of the Alpine Swift. A lingering bird at Hunstanton for several days after the Holme sightings gave many birders the chance to catch up with this rarity
1 of 2 Tree Sparrows ringed 23 March 2010. part of a movement of Tree Sparrows with several hundred recorded passing overhead at Hunstanton
Barn Owl 23 March. A retrapped Barn Owl with a delighted trainee ringer !